I keep watch and I keep cheerful. I bark at suspicious people from inside our watching place. Masks don’t scare me. But, when people don’t keep their distance, and we are walking, and someone comes up behind us and tries to squeeze in between us and other people, I might jump on them. Last week, I jumped on someone wearing orange pants. He came WAAAAY too close to us and you didn’t like it one bit. I had to show him what happens when he doesn’t keep six feet away, but he didn’t slow down. I think he knew he had done something wrong.

We’ve been walking a lot lately. Even Daddy walks with us now. That is doggone great. When we’re all together, I don’t have to put my paws up on Daddy’s lap to remind him it’s time to go out. There are a lot more dogs on the street than I ever saw before. I like all the good sniffs they leave. Wowee.

We have just as much fun as always, except I really miss going to work, giving therapy to other people.

Advice from Oliver: Wear your mask until further notice. I love you all and don’t want any of my fans to get sick.

12 thoughts on “MASKS DON’T SCARE ME

  1. Dear Oliver
    Your latest post left me smiling. You are such a clever soul, warm and wise. You look quite with it wearing that mask. Very photogenic.

    Sending you mom and dad some sunshine from California.


    I filled in all my info below. Surely I shouldn’t have to do that each time I respond with a comment??!
    Redundant. Perhaps I’m just dumb and don’t get it!


    1. I will see what I can do so you get his posts automatically. Your referral is very helpful. We have a start but it’s tricky business .Love, Carolyn

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  2. Oliver, keep those people on their toes and 6 feet away! Good dog! Nice that your Dad is joining you on your excursions out and about your neighborhood. Woof!

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  3. Oliver your mask is very handsome. If I knew where to buy one I get one for Issy too. Keep your distance plan, you never know who has it or who doesn’t.

    Your Issy


    1. Bunny, Keep Issy under close watch. The latest news is that animals can get it. ♥️

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  4. Oliver you sweet boy, you are simply tireless at being charming. Your people are lucky to live with you, but of course they know that.


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