I love our new deck. I play with my pal, Biscuit, and watch the beautiful world go by. Biscuit has finally agreed that when the morning newspaper comes, I am the only one who can bring it into the kitchen. He used to try harder, but I growled and shook my head until you convinced him it was my job, not his. At least I think that’s what you said. Biscuit pretends to put up a fight, but I am the obvious Number One Champ at newspaper delivery and he respects that.

I had my tenth birthday, but no one gave me any cake. I overheard you mention it and it is on my badge that I wear to work: 8/12/2012. If you want, wish me a happy birthday anytime.

I was a beautiful puppy and now I am a handsome adult. You tell me that when you comb and brush my long hair. You say, “Oh Oliver, you are SOOO handsome!” and you stroke me behind my ears. I lie down and feel happy all over my bones. I will tell you a lot if you look into my eyes.

Biscuit and I are good cons. We went on an eating strike several months ago and would not eat anything. Now you feed us fresh ground hamburger every morning and every night. You stir in fresh kibble and cool it all off with chicken broth. You feed me first and Biscuit waits in the bedroom for his bowl. It is dog-licious. I drool all over the floor while I wait for you to set it down. Who is smarter…Biscuit and I or you?

We still go to the MSP airport and to the University of Minnesota where I get petted and look cute, and we also started working at Methodist Hospital. I get a LOT of attention at the hospital, mostly from the nurses who work there. They love me very much. We starred in the newspaper as new volunteers and there was a photograph of both of us sitting in the hospital hallway. I am positively magnetic. I don’t have to wear a mask, but you do. That’s because I’m a star and stars don’t have to wear masks. They never get sick and they never give sickness.

Advice from Oliver: Sometimes it’s okay to take advantage of your position in life, especially as you get older.